‘Gone Girl’ Trailer

The trailer for David Fincher’s adaptation of Gillian Flynn’s bestseller ‘Gone Girl’ has hit the internet this week. The preview, which channels a little bit of ‘Zodiac’ along with pretty much every movie David Fincher has made, gives us an eerie montage of Ben Affleck insisting that he didn’t kill his wife (Rosamund Pike) while intercutting some footage of their apparently tumultuous relationship.

The adaptation definitely looks like it will be a good one and Fincher, whose last film was based on another popular book in ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’, surely knows the expectations associated with fan heavy source material. So, I’m sure he’s up for the task. It is also cool to see that Gillian Flynn was able to write the screenplay for the adaptation, a chance that most authors don’t get when their books head to the silver screen. ‘Gone Girl’ hits theaters later this year on October 3.


– Gillian Flynn on adapting her book and advice for writers (hollywoodreporter)

– ‘Gone Girl’ movie page (imdb)

– ‘Gone Girl’ the book (goodreads, amazon)

– Gillian Flynn’s page (gillianflynn)

– Other book adaptations to be on the lookout for in 2014 (flavorwire)