Monday's Writing Links: Tuesday Edition

Today’s Monday’s Writing Links: Tuesday Edition highlights upcoming film adaptations of popular books, including Peter Jackson’s ‘The Hobbit.’

Kiwi director Peter Jackson has always been great to fans, indulging them with extensive production diaries that include and to an extent involve them in the process of making a movie. This week, he was nice enough to do a video showing fans the special equipment that’s being used to shoot ‘The Hobbit’ in 3D. Although 3D has its fair share of detractors, this is a really cool featurette and definitely worth watching if you have any interest in film and its evolving technology.

In other news, I hope everyone’s NaNoWriMo is going well. I have personally fallen flat on my face with my NaNoWriMo goal, but the good news is that if you fall flat on your face, you can take a nap while you’re there. Which would round out the worst motivational poster ever.  My rambling is more or less my concession for this year, but if you’re going strong, keep at it. You’re off to a great start!

Also, it can’t be ignored that for some inexplicable reason, MGM has decided to make a ‘Where’s Waldo’ movie, which will see them packing people into theaters to squint a lot at a really big screen. Either way, links.


– ‘The Hobbit’: 3D Production Diary (mymiddleearth)

– MGM Acquires Rights To Make A Live Action ‘Where’s Waldo’ Movie (comingsoon)

– ‘Pride And Prejudice And Zombies’ Loses 3rd Director (reuters)

– Brian K. Vaughn Will Be Screenwriter For StephenKing’s ‘Under The Dome’ (comingsoon)

– The Scotsman Interviews Stephen King (scotsman)

– How To Avoid Parenting Your Characters (writersdigest)

– Should Writers Blog, And Why? (sfwa)

– China Miéville on Scholarly SF/F and The Academic/Fan Divide (sfsignal)

– Miriam Kriss: What’s Working In The Young Adult Market (guidetoliteraryagents)

– AV Club Reviews Chris Hardwick’s ‘The Nerdist Way’ (avclub)

– New Agent Alert: Brooks Sherman (writersdigest)

Do You Feel Obligated To Write Your Second Book In The Same Style/Genre As The First?

Often when writers release a book that is somewhat successful, they are immediately pigeonholed into writing within the genre of that book. This is the expectation of readers, critics and publishers who are familiar with your work. If you don’t conform to this expectation, people will sit up, take notice and grumble loudly while perusing your book at Borders. For example, after Orson Scott Card wrote Ender’s Game, it would have been entirely unexpected and quite jarring if he would have followed it up with The Notebook. His fan base might have been less than pleased.

There is certainly nothing wrong with writing within one particular genre, but it can feel limiting if you do have a desire to tackle other material. I find that there are not many authors who switch genres successfully, at least very early on in their career. China Miéville is an author who is often credited with producing books that confront completely new genres and subject material with each new piece of work. But Miéville, an English author who makes a very conscious effort to buck tradition and cliche, is a rarity in this case.

Personally, my subsequent writing plans stay somewhat grounded in science fiction, fantasy and thrillers, which are to be honest, not vast departures from each other. I’d love to write literary fiction, but I don’t think I have the chops for it. I’m more likely to write Sense, Sensibility and Seamonsters than just plain old Sense and Sensibility. I really do admire those who have the command of prose needed to write great literary fiction though.

So, I must ask, do you as a writer feel obligated to stay within the genre of your first book? Do you feel obligated to write in the same style, prose, sentence structure, etc, in fear of alienating any fan base you may have amassed? What about switching from genre fiction to literary fiction or vice versa? This may have been addressed in my white whale post, but if you were to switch genres, what genre would you switch to and what would you write about? Are there any chameleon authors out there that you think jump genres particularly well?